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Universal Rectifier Control Panel for DC Brakes

DC Rectifier is a micro-controller based system suitable for operating DC Brakes of 100 — 700 G drum of any make.

The unique rectifier system, converts the input AC voltage of 400— 415 VAC to an output DC voltage using a micro—controller based circuit and controlling switch gear items like contactors, rectifier bridges etc.

A high transition SCR controls the DC output voltage level as per the firing signals sent by the micro—controller, through a pulse transformer. The micro—controller controls the DC output levels based on the input given to it through a keypad on the circuit. The input by the user can be visually seen on the display incorporated in the circuit.

This intelligent controlling system is univer sally compatible for all brakes based on the input settings provided by the user and quickly transitions from inrush to holding state for optimally operating the brake.